The World’s Weirdest Apple Varieties

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    10 Weird Varieties of Apples You Need to Try!

    Have you ever bit into an apple and thought, “This is good, but I wish it tasted like a Bloody Mary”? Well, you’re in luck because some seriously strange apple varieties are out there just waiting to be tasted. Here are 10 of the weirdest:

    1. Bloody Ploughman’s: 

    As the name suggests, this apple is said to have been found growing near a World War I battlefield. It has a deep red flesh and a slightly tart taste.

    2. Black Diamond: 

    These apples are black on the outside and have a sweet, juicy taste with hints of berries. In some cultures, Black Diamond apples are considered to be a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

    3. Hidden Rose: 

    This apple looks unassuming on the outside, but when you slice into it, you’re greeted with bright pink flesh. It has a sweeter taste than most apples.

    4. Kiku: 

    kiku apples

    Originally from Japan, these apples have a unique shape and a honey-like taste.

    5. Pitmaston Pineapple: 

    This apple has a tropical flavor with notes of, you guessed it, pineapple. Apple enthusiasts highly seek after Pitmaston Pineapple apples, and they are often used in cider making and baking.

    6. Red Love:

    In addition to deep red skin, these apples have bright red flesh and a tart taste.

    7. SnowSweet: 

    These apples have a crisp texture and a sweet, slightly spicy taste. The skin of the SnowSweet apple is a deep red color with yellow undertones, and the flesh is white. SnowSweet apples are resistant to browning, making them a popular choice for salads and other dishes where apples are used raw.

    8. Suncrisp: 

    With a name like that, you know this apple will be crisp. It’s also sweet and has hints of honey.

    9. Wickson Crab: 

     Wickson Crab is a small apple variety that was developed in California in the early 20th century. It is named after Edward J. Wickson, a horticulturist who played a key role in its development. This small apple tastes tart and is often used for making cider.

    10. Yarlington Mill: 

    Another cider apple, this one has a sweet taste and is often blended with other apple varieties.

    So the next time you’re in the produce section and feeling adventurous, try one of these weird apple varieties if available. Who knows, you may find a new favorite!

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