Using Oatmeal Paste for Hair Removal

Using Oatmeal Paste for Hair Removal

Oatmeal paste for hair removal

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Most of us have peach fuzz on our face or unwanted hair on our legs or bikini area. Do you have annoying hair on your face, arms, or elsewhere on your body? What you might not know is that oatmeal past for hair removal is a widespread and natural practice. Because oatmeal is so gentle and soothing to the skin, you can safely reduce the amount of hair that you have on your body without having to turn to harmful chemicals. There are several products over-the-counter that remove hair, but they end up burning or irritating your skin.

What is Oatmeal Paste?

Oats have the ability to soak up water and retain that water for an extended period of time. If you’re looking to make a paste out of the oats, you can simply add a little bit of water. Work the water into the oats a little bit at a time. You should be left with a thick paste that you can apply virtually anywhere. To make an even better paste, turn your oats into a powdery substance using your food processor or electric chopper. The oats in powder form will hold the moisture from the water a lot better.

Why is Oatmeal Good for the Skin?

Oatmeal is full of essential vitamins and nutrients that should already be within your body and your skin. Unfortunately, our diets often lack a lot of these nutrients. When it comes to your skin, you can add these nutrients back in from a topical perspective. An oatmeal paste can be applied to the skin to help it look and feel better. The water in the oatmeal will be absorbed into the skin. If you’re removing hair with the oatmeal, you can do so without irritating the follicles or the surrounding skin. Your skin will be smoother than if you shaved or waxed.

How Does Oatmeal Remove Hair?

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Oatmeal can be used as a natural way to exfoliate your skin and slosh off that unwanted layer of skin on the surface. When you have fine hair in these areas, like facial hair, the process of exfoliation can often remove some of that hair as well.

Oatmeal & Honey Hair Removal Recipe (Great for Facial Hair)

You can also add a little bit of honey to the mixture to make it more effective. Because the honey is so sticky, you can pull off some of the hair after letting the honey dry for a bit. Once you go to wash it off, this can naturally remove hair. Some homemade skincare recipes recommend that you leave a paste of your skin for at least 20 minutes before washing it off.

Oatmeal Paste Recipe:

1/2 tablespoon of oatmeal

1 tablespoon of honey 

1 tablespoon of water

mix oatmeal, honey, and water, to get a smooth paste.

Other Oatmeal Paste Uses

oatmeal bath 2

Oatmeal paste can be used for several skin and body problems. Oatmeal is very soothing, so it works well for any skin condition that you’re dealing with. People with eczema found great results when they used oatmeal in their bathwater. You simply let the oats soak in the tub with you to create a very soothing scenario. All of those great nutrients will come out of the oats and be absorbed directly into your skin. Your skin will feel more hydrated and less irritated.

Oatmeal paste can be applied to a rash that is caused by walking in the woods. Poison sumac and poison ivy can lead to some nasty skin irritation. You can apply oatmeal to your skin as many times as you would like throughout the day to calm the skin down.

The skin can become very irritated when you consume a food that you’re allergic or sensitive to. You may notice that you feel a lot itchier, or your skin is red and irritated when you’ve consumed something that you know you shouldn’t have. You’ll want to drink enough water to flush the histamines out of your body, but you can also soak in a tub of oatmeal to soothe the skin on your entire body.

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  1. Oatmeal Paste for Sunburn- DIY Recipe on October 3, 2020 at 6:11 pm

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