Essential Oils for Nasal Polyps

Essential Oils for Nasal Polyps

Essential Oils for Nasal Polyps

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Many people find that they develop strange bumps or growth inside of their nose or nasal passages but rest assured that these growths are common and not dangerous. In fact, nasal polyps affect around five percent of the population and can be treated at home with inexpensive ingredients. And best of all, when you get rid of them, you will be able to breathe easier.

We have explored the many natural and effective ways to treat nasal polyps and compiled this list to help you solve your breathing problems at home in a brief time. Essential oils offer many benefits that can help shrink polyps and restore your nasal passages in no time. Next, we discuss a little about more about nasal polyps before sharing with you how to use tea tree and other essential oils to treat your nasal polyps at home.

Understanding Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps develop on the lining of the nasal passageways and sinuses, and they protrude and hang down like teardrops or grapes from this membrane. Polyps are soft and painless, and these noncancerous growths do not usually cause problems for most people.

In some cases, though, individual polyps can become quite large or multiple polyps can grow together, creating a blockage of the nasal cavity that can make it hard to breathe. Most people who have polyps do not even realize they are there until they begin to affect your breathing. The most common signs of nasal polyps include:

  • Changes in your sense of smell
  • Feeling stuffy or as if your nose is blocked
  • Postnasal drip and runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Loss of the sense of taste
  • Frequent sinus infections
  • Facial pain or pain in your upper teeth
  • Snoring
  • Changes in your voice
  • Constant pressure in your face or forehead

When nasal polyps block fluid from draining correctly or inhibit airflow, they cause complications that require treatment.

Causes of Nasal Polyps

There is no definitive answer as to what causes nasal polyps to form. Those who suffer from allergies, asthma, chronic infections of the upper respiratory system, and cystic fibrosis (CF) are much more likely to develop nasal polyps. They are also more common in men and those between 20 and 45 years of age.

A doctor can diagnose nasal polyps by examining your sinuses and nasal cavities with an endoscope. If your child has nasal polyps, your doctor may recommend testing for CF, as these are a common early indicator of this disease.

Conventional treatments include nasal sprats, corticosteroids, and even surgery in more severe cases, but there are also more natural ways to treat and soothe nasal polyps that you can try yourself at home.

Essential Oils for Treating Nasal Polyps

tea tree oil for nasal polyps

Tea tree oil is one of the most effective essential oils you can use for treating your nasal polyps yourself. Known for its antimicrobial compounds plus its ability to lower inflammation, it is the perfect choice for this application.

Tea tree oil, which is extracted and then distilled from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, is an oil with a distinctive aroma. It is widely used for its ability to help fight infections due to bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Using tea tree oil on polyps helps them to shrink by reducing the inflammation that causes them.

Tea tree can prevent polyps from returning by stopping the inflammation that leads to their growth, and it can relieve any pain you might be having because of your polyps.

It also opens sinuses and restores breathing, allowing you to get the oxygen you need to feel better. This essential oil thins mucus and works as a decongestant, restoring your breathing to its healthy levels.

Other good essential oils to use for nasal polyps include eucalyptus, which has many similar compounds to tea tree, and peppermint, which should be used only for inhalation and not in direct contact with nasal passages.

How to Use Essential Oil for Nasal Polyps

When purchasing tea tree essential oil to use on your nasal polyps, be sure to buy a product that is 100 percent pure and does not contain any additives that could harm your sensitive sinuses or mucous membrane. There are several ways that you can use tea tree oil to help treat your nasal polyps, and we have described the most effective below.

Direct Application

You can apply tea tree oil directly to your nasal polyps to help shrink them and reduce the inflammation that is causing them. Some people are very sensitive to this essential oil, so you may want to dilute it with a carrier oil, such as coconut, sweet almond, or jojoba, before applying it inside your nose.

Start by soaking a cotton square or cotton swab in carrier oil or water that is mixed with tea tree oil. Then, you can apply the oil to your polyps using this cotton. If the polyps are deeper within your nasal cavity, you can place drops of diluted tea tree oil directly into your nose and tilt your head back to make sure the oil reaches your polyps. Repeat this procedure twice each day.

Nasal Spray

You can also make your own nasal spray using tea tree oil. Start by purchasing an empty nasal spray bottle or recycling and sanitizing an old one you already have. Mix two ounces of distilled water with two drops of tea tree essential oil and one-quarter of a teaspoon of extra fine sea salt in the spray bottle.

Be sure to dissolve the salt thoroughly and shake vigorously before each use. Spray this mixture into your nose two times each day until the polyp is gone.

Steam Inhalation

You can inhale tea tree vapor to clear nasal congestion when you have a sinus infection or notice a sinus headache. Pour several drops of tea tree essential oil into a bowl of boiling water, then lean your head over the bowl while covering your head with a towel.

Allow the steam to penetrate your sinuses while you inhale deeply for several minutes. This will thin mucus, reduce inflammation, and help you breathe easier.

Final Thoughts

Tea tree essential oil is among the best natural remedies for treating nasal polyps. Unlike conventional medicines that only treat the symptoms, tea tree oil will help prevent polyps from reoccurring and can get rid of them quickly.

essential oils for nasal polyps