Tea Tree Shampoo Benefits

Tea Tree Shampoo Benefits

Tea Tree Shampoo Benefits

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Shampoos that include tea tree oil have many benefits for your hair and scalp. As a natural antiseptic, tea tree oil is effective at healing wounds and killing fungal and bacterial infections. Tea tree shampoo is, therefore, an excellent choice if you have a skin disorder, itchy scalp, dandruff, or any infection affecting the skin on your head.

Native to Australia, the Melaleuca alternifolia plant provides us with tea tree oil. Its benefits have been known to the natives of that country for centuries, and recently, tea tree oil has become more widely available for the rest of the world to enjoy.

Heal Your Scalp with Tea Tree Shampoo

The skin on your head is very sensitive and prone to developing skin disorders. From treating minor fungal infections to chronic diseases that cause itching and flaking, taking care of your scalp is an essential part of maintaining good health.

Dandruff, which is also known as seborrheic dermatitis, is a very common scalp problem. Dandruff causes flaky, scaly skin as well as oily patches and scalp redness. Dandruff can happen in other areas besides the scalp, including facial hair.

The exact cause of dandruff is not fully understood, but some believe it is related to a sensitivity to Malassezia, which is a type of fungus that naturally forms on the scalp. As a natural antifungal, tea tree oil can, therefore, be an effective treatment for dandruff and other fungal scalp disorders.

Other skin conditions, like psoriasis and eczema, can also affect the scalp. Psoriasis is the result of inflammation and results in patches of scaly, raised skin. Tea tree oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, which means it can help those with scalp psoriasis to lower symptoms and reduce scalp irritation.

Other Benefits of Tea Tree Shampoos

The most common use for tea tree shampoo is to treat lice. This medicinal herb and the essential oils derived from it are excellent for eliminating head lice. When combined with lavender essential oil, tea tree has been proven to be just as effective at treating lice as conventional products that are available over the counter. When you combine these essential oils with a nourishing carrier oil like coconut oil, you can treat your scalp, get rid of lice, protect against secondary infection, and leave your hair moisturized and healthy.

Because of its ability to kill microbes, tea tree hair treatments are also excellent for any skin or scalp disorder caused by bacteria, fungi, yeast, or other microorganisms.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

Tea tree oil can cause irritation for some people, so always perform a skin patch test before using this natural remedy on your scalp or broken skin. To test, simply place a drop or two of tea tree oil on a small area of your arm or leg, then monitor the area for 24 hours to see if you have any reaction. If you see no response, it is safe to use on your scalp or other areas of your skin.

Tea tree oil should always be diluted before using on your scalp. You can mix it with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, or with aloe vera or apple cider vinegar. The most common method for diluting, though, is to simply add tea tree oil directly to your shampoo, then use as you normally would.

A concentration of about five percent oil to shampoo or other carrier is best. So, for every five milliliters of oil, you should mix it with 100 milliliters of shampoo or other carrier substance.

Many commercial products are now available that contain tea tree oil. Look for the proper concentration and for high-quality products that come from organic botanical sources.

Our Favorite Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

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