Apple Cider Vinegar for Toothaches
Apple Cider Vinegar for Toothache
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Anyone how has had a toothache knows that getting quick relief is important. Pain in your tooth affects your mouth, your head, and even your mood and ability to eat, and treating it with natural remedies is always preferred to using a bunch of chemicals or harsh ingredients. Below, we explore one easy and natural solution that can help alleviate your toothache pain while treating the source of the problem.
Understanding Toothaches
One of the leading causes of the common toothache is tooth decay, which is the result of bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria consume the sugars and starches you eat, and when you do not brush these food particles away through proper oral hygiene procedures, those bacteria can cause quite a lot of damage to your gums, teeth, and mouth.
The bacteria that live in your mouth’s natural microbiome can become overgrown when they have too much food to feed on, and you do not brush frequently enough to scrub them away from eh crevices of your teeth and gums. The bacteria that lead to tooth decay can cause the formation of plaque on the teeth, infection in your gums, and the production of acids which wear away the enamel coating of your teeth. When this enamel wears away, and the exposed tooth is left underneath, you develop cavities, which are holes in your teeth. These are the leading cause of tooth pain.
Tooth decay and cavities also result in inflammation around the infection. Inflammation is your immune systems way of sending extra reinforcements to the area of infection while also preventing the bacteria from spreading. Tooth decay can cause not only pain and inflammation but also sensitivity while eating or drinking, a bad taste in your mouth, bad breath, and swollen glands in your neck.
Tooth decay is not the only reason you may have a toothache, thought. Other sources of toothache pain include:
- The accumulation of food in your teeth, resulting in irritation
- Hot or cold foods or liquids if you have sensitive teeth
- Injury to your teeth because of some sort of trauma or because of tooth grinding
- A broken or split tooth
- Infection in other parts of your head, especially your sinuses
When to See a Dentist
If you have tried to treat your tooth pain on your own but have noticed no improvement or a worsening in symptoms after several days, you should see your dentist. You may have a more serious condition that requires intervention. If you notice that you have a fever or other signs of infection, contact your doctor or dentist. Using the remedies suggested below can help alleviate your pain until you receive additional medical care.
Apple Cider Vinegar’s Benefits
As a natural antibacterial compound, apple cider vinegar makes an excellent choice for treating toothaches due to infection, bacteria, or tooth decay. Apple cider vinegar also naturally lowers inflammation, which occurs when you have gingivitis and other mouth issues that can cause tooth pain.
By using apple cider vinegar, you can not only help to treat an existing toothache by reducing inflammation and killing the bacteria that are causing the pain, but you can also use it daily to help prevent toothaches from forming. Below, we describe various methods for using apple cider vinegar to help care for your mouth, including ways to prevent tooth decay as well as treat an existing toothache.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Direct Application
Using a cotton ball or swab, dip the applicator directly into apple cider vinegar, then apply it to the painful area, holding it for at least 30 seconds. Repeat the procedure at least three times per day until the pain subsides or until you visit your dentist.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Honey is also a natural antibacterial compound as well as a natural anti-inflammatory. Adding one tablespoon of each to a warm glass of water makes a soothing mixture that you can use to gargle with as needed.
Apple Cider Vinegar Mouthwash
Combine one cup of raw honey with one cup of apple cider vinegar and several cloves of raw garlic. Blend all of these and pour the liquid into a glass bottle. Use this antibacterial mouthwash daily to combat the bacteria that cause tooth decay and mouth pain.
Toothache Paste
Apple cider vinegar can be combined with cinnamon, which is high in Vitamin K, to help fight tooth pain. Vitamin K is another effective nutrient in reducing pain, lowering inflammation, and fighting against tooth decay. To use, take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and combine it with one tablespoon of powdered cinnamon to create a paste. Use your toothbrush or a cotton swab to apply the paste directly to the painful area, allowing it to sit for at least 30 seconds before closing your mouth. You can repeat this application as often as you need.
Lemon Mouth Rinse
Combining apple cider vinegar with lemon juice gives your mouth an extra boost of Vitamin C, which is good for your teeth and helps you fight infections. To create this rinse, combine one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir to combine, then use this to rinse your mouth several times per day. This is an excellent preventive treatment for tooth decay.
Peppermint Mouth Rinse
Peppermint is often used in oral care products because it naturally helps to fight bacteria and resists the tooth decay that can lead to toothaches. To prepare an effective and breath-freshening mouth rinse, start by brewing one cup of peppermint tea using prepared tea leaves. Allow the tea to steep for at least 20 minutes, then remove the tea bag or strain out the loose tea leaves. Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to this liquid and allow to cool. Swish this rinse around your mouth for 30 seconds one time a day to prevent cavities and tooth decay.
Final Thoughts
As a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, apple cider vinegar is the logical and smart choice to reach for when you have a toothache that is caused by tooth decay or infection. These treatments can help to kill the bacteria that are leading to your pain, but it is still essential o see a dentist to repair any damage to your tooth and cover exposed nerves or tooth surfaces that could lead to later problems.