Eucalyptus Oil for Acne & Acne Scars

Eucalyptus Oil for Acne & Acne Scars

Eucalyptus Oil for Acne & Acne Scars 1

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Pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads, as well as the scars they often leave behind, are a common problem, affecting over 40 million people in the US. Getting rid of acne can help relieve embarrassment as well as protect your skin. And if you had acne in the past, you may be looking to fade acne scars. The good news is that you can use the same essential oil to achieve both goals.

Understanding Eucalyptus Oil

The eucalyptus plant is native to Australia and is rich in oils that have been used by the natives of that continent for centuries. The Aboriginal people of Australia long ago recognized the medicinal powers of the eucalyptus plant, using it to treat wounds, cure fungal infections, and to address many other ailments, including coughs and colds.

Over time, the uses for eucalyptus oil spread around the world, and as our understanding of this powerful plant has grown, we now know of its many benefits to our skin, as well. As an antiseptic, eucalyptus oil has many applications, including killing the bacteria that often are responsible for acne. Eucalyptus oil can dry out acne blemishes and even reduce the inflammation and pain associated with certain types of acne.

In addition to treating active acne breakouts, eucalyptus oil can also be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars. The compounds in eucalyptus oil help rejuvenate skin cells, which can repair the damage caused by acne scarring. Eucalyptus oil encourages blood flow to the skin, which helps your skin look healthier and younger, as well.

Treating Acne with Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil can be irritating to the skin in undiluted form, so it is important that you always dilute it before using on your skin. You can dilute it with water or a carrier oil. To treat blemishes, combine one part eucalyptus oil to three parts water in a container, shaking vigorously. Dab a cotton swab with this mixture, then apply directly to any acne breakouts. You should avoid using this mixture around your eyes or near your mouth or nose.

You can also dilute eucalyptus oil with apple cider vinegar, which is also an effective way to dry out particularly oily skin. After diluting, you can use a cotton square to wipe oily skin with this mixture, removing excess oil and leaving behind clearer skin that is less prone to breakouts.

Treating Acne Scars with Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptol and other compounds found in eucalyptus essential oil also make it ideal for treating acne scars. This natural chemical protects your skin against infection while also promoting the regeneration of skin cells. This allows your skin to create new tissue to replace scarred areas. To treat acne scars, dilute eucalyptus essential oil with jojoba, almond, or coconut oil. Use a cotton swab to dab this mixture onto your scarred skin, then massage the oil into your scar with your fingertip. Repeat this daily for best results.

Precautions Regarding Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has a very strong scent which can aggravate the airways of some people, particularly those with asthma or other breathing problems. If you experience any problems breathing while using this oil, stop using it immediately. Do not apply eucalyptus oil to mucous membranes, such as inside your nose. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use eucalyptus oil. Do not swallow eucalyptus oil, as it can be fatal. Keep this and all essential oils away from children and pets.


Orchard, A., & van Vuuren, S. (2017). Commercial Essential Oils as Potential Antimicrobials to Treat Skin Diseases. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM. 4517971.

Saporito, F., et al. (2017). Essential Oil-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles for Wound Healing. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 13: 175-186.

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