Essential Oils for Interstitial Cystitis
Essential Oils for Interstitial Cystitis
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Do you have pelvic pain or pain in your bladder? Is it hard for you to go to the bathroom, or do you always feel like you need to go? These are some of the most common signs of interstitial cystitis, also known as IC. And managing this chronic disorder can be frustrating for many.
What is Interstitial Cystitis?
IC is a disorder that affects your bladder. When your bladder is full of urine, and it’s time to go to the bathroom, it will send a signal to your brain letting you know. This happens via pelvic nerves. When you have IC, those signals can get confused, making you feel like you have to pee more often or causing you to produce less urine than most people.
Some with IC have pain in their pelvis or bladder, pain while the bladder is filling, or feelings of having to use the bathroom constantly. For many, this disorder can interfere with the quality of life, as you feel confined to places where you are always near the toilet. And dealing with chronic pain and irritation can become debilitating over time.
It is not yet known what causes IC, which is more likely to affect women than men. There is evidence to suggest it is caused by a defect in the lining of the bladder, which may then be triggered by a secondary autoimmune disease, allergy, or infection. Many people with IC have a family history of the disease.
Since we don’t know the cause, it is best to treat the symptoms of the disease, which is possible using essential oils.
Essential Oils for Interstitial Cystitis
The following essential oils are best for treating IC’s various symptoms. You can choose those that match your needs. Below, we discuss the best ways to use these oils to treat your disorder.
- Lavender is perhaps the most commonly used essential oil for treating IC. It has natural properties which relieve pain and can calm the spasms that lead to bladder irritation and frequent urination.
- Sandalwood is another excellent anti-spasmodic essential oil, and it also has anti-microbial properties for treating any secondary infections. It can reduce the pain associated with IC.
- Geranium essential oil is excellent for reducing inflammation and irritation, which are common with IC.
- Cypress essential oil is excellent for relaxing the bladder as well as calming bladder spasms.
- Clary sage essential oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory and can also decrease bladder spasms and reduce IC symptoms.
- Thyme essential oil is an antispasmodic that is also great for treating any infections you may have.
How to Use Essential Oils for Interstitial Cystitis
Now that you know which oils to use, you should understand the best ways to use them. There are several methods that work well when using essential oils to treat IC. The following are the most common.
- Topical massage- Dilute your chosen oil or oils with coconut oil or the carrier oil of your choice. Massage this mixture into the skin directly over your bladder. Before using a new essential oil on your skin, be sure to conduct a patch test to check for allergic reaction.
- Diffuser- Add a few drops of your chosen oil or oils to a cool-mist diffuser, then place this in your home or office.
- Bath- Add several drops of your chosen oil or oils to your bathwater, then soak for as long as you like. This will relax your body as well as provide you with the benefits of these essential oils.
Be sure your essential oils are purchased from reputable sources that adhere to quality standards for purity.